• Thank you for participating in this field test of science curriculum materials. Your contributions will help us to refine a developmentally appropriate, inquiry-based science instructional unit centered around ecosystems, and designed to enable students to read, write and speak as budding scientists. This project is funded by a grant from the Science Education Partnership Award of the National Institutes of Health (grant number R25ODO21865 PI: Nancy Moreno).

    This field test is open to any self-contained Houston-area third grade school teachers who teaches reading, writing and science to the same group of students. Participating teachers will teach the ecosystems unit in their classroom and will receive teaching materials for up to 24 students. All will receive lesson materials, including algae, for use with their students. Each teacher also will administer pre- and post-knowledge assessments with their students and provide a critique of the unit. Participants will receive stipend of $400 (payable upon participant’s completion of all study components).

    All information collected for this study will be gathered without identifiers that can be linked to any individual. No results will be reported to any schools or school districts, and any information reported to the National Institutes of Health or published in peer-reviewed journals will be presented as aggregated data without any personal identifiers.

  • Timeline and Project Website Access Information

    Thank you again for participating in the BCM-UNT science curriculum field test!

    If you have any questions about the field test, please email us at

    NOTE: The field test requires 20 consecutive classroom days (4 weeks) and can be conducted any time between November 20, 2019 and March 13, 2020.


    • ALGAE: Remember to order your algae before you begin the lessons (See attached instructions). Algae will arrive 3-4 days after ordering and will need to be set up and ready 4-5 days prior to use on lesson day 8.
    • ID NUMBERS: Assign an ID number to each student and record on the student ID page.
    • PRETEST: Give your students the pretest. Make sure students record their ID numbers (NO NAMES!) on the top of the test. You may read the questions to them but do not answer any questions. Let them know they will find out the answers over the next few weeks! Record the date on the Form Return Packing Slip (front of binder).
    • WEBSITE: The project site has to access all resources, link to daily logs, and PDFs of the lessons.

    Site URL:

    • ECOSYSTEMS: Identify the ecosystems you will provide as inquiry circle options for your students and gather the resources they will need (see website for ecosystems and resource lists).


    • TEACHER LOGS: Complete the project log for each day (see website for link). Please try to complete the log on the same day as the lesson, as it may be difficult to remember the information otherwise.


    • STUDENT REPORTS: At the end of each project week, students should complete a short reflection page – the Weekly Reports (found behind the activities). Make sure student use the same ID number on each report as they did on the pretest. Record dates on the Form Return Packing Slip (front of binder).


    • POSTTESTS: Once all of the project days are completed, give your students the posttest. Please make sure students mark their ID numbers on the top of the test. Record the date on the Form Return Packing Slip (front of binder).
    • RETURN FORMS: Return your project forms to BCM using the pre-paid FedEx envelope in the back of the binder. Use the Project Checklist in the front of the binder to ensure you’ve included everything!
    • POST-EVALUATION: You will receive a link via email to the project post-evaluation in late January. Please do not complete the post-evaluation until AFTER you have completed all field test lessons.


    1. Return the following forms to BCM with student ID numbers clearly marked:
    • Form Return Packing Slip with dates for each test and report
    • Attendance and ID sheet with student names removed
    • Student pretests
    • Student Week One Reports
    • Student Week Two Reports
    • Student Week Three Reports
    • Student Week Four Reports
    • Student posttests
    1. Complete all 20 Daily Logs (see project website)
    2. Complete the project post-evaluation (link will be emailed to you in late January 2020)